Something to think about:

There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. - Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have a passion to be an advocate for youth. I have a passion to strive towards equal opportunity to quality public education. I have a desire to bring change to oppressive features of our society (i.e.; public education system). I desire to encourage parents, teachers, students, and administrators to engage in conversations that will shape our future. I have a desire to see the only race prevail that matters and that is the HUMAN RACE. I believe that public assistance needs to be complemented with community programs to prevent a vicious cycle of poverty that is prevalent in our communities. I believe that our failure to make quality public education available is a major contributor to the growing number of those dependent on aid for periods of time longer than 2 years. I am working for positive change in the world starting with my community. Will you join me?

My 5 yeare old son inspired the title of this post.. at the bus stop one morning he said he was "All about TOYS!" I told him thats wonderful..but he is ALL ABOUT MORE THAN THAT! I asked him are you ALL ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? Are you ALL ABOUT GOD? Are you all ABOUT DANCING? #LOVE THIS LIFE

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