Something to think about:

There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. - Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So the day starts off with promise. Got my baby on the bus without anyone disobeying the bus traffic indications.  Going to head down to the Rainbow Push Global Automotive Energy Summit. Resumes in hand of course! This might me my lucky day. At this point if I need to work for free for a few months to get whatever it is I’m lacking to get my 70K/year I will. People around me look at me strange when I say I do not want to take a job that doesn’t fulfill 3 needs:
1: Career growth potential – adding to my skill set making me more marketable.
2) Salary- maybe not 70K but unquestionable fulfilling needs 1 & 2 and financially viable for a parent that incurs additional cost of before and afterschool care by accepting any particular position.
3) Environment that exudes integrity ß-----if you don’t get that get off my blog!
Being unemployed has been an eye opening experience. Especially being someone who has been employed from the age of 12 (paying taxes!) The services provided to those of us whom are unemployed seemed to be plagued with long waits in line.. constant scrutiny, and long phone prompt menus. In my OPINION not very conducive maintaining a positive outlook about finding work. Apparently I have TOO much Education to be eligible for aid to continue education. Someone like me could benefit by taking a course to be a certified auditor, human resource professional, or project manager.  I guess I wonder about all that money being taken out of my pay check over the years..the tax audit over child care claimed (I only claim nursery school not even sitters).
Every check in MARVIN asks me if I have turned down work, made any money, or started any training. I want to ask him do you think I would prefer your $724 every two weeks to the benefits, salary, and self-fulfillment of being gainfully employed. But hey everyone calling MARVIN may not have my ambition. But why not? IF you knew the sky was the limit in what you could achieve what would make you settle for peanuts that someone was willing to give and take away in the blink of an eye? At least being employed whether securely or not you can save add to your skill set and marketability..

All I can say is Im glad I know who MY PROVIDER IS..

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